Jesus Christ Our Deliverer-Part I

Isaiah 9:2 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light. (NIV)

We have all experienced darkness in specific areas of our lives in some form. Darkness causes discomfort, accidents, loss of production time, loss of direction and many other negativities. In the physical realm, we depend on man to help alleviate these problems, but in the spiritual realm, it is only Jesus Christ, the Deliverer who could set us free and make a real difference in our entire being.

The prophet Isaiah was inspired to introduce the One who would deliver mankind from ‘the land of the shadow of death (Isaiah 9:2 NKJV). Jesus said of Himself in John 8:12; “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but have the light of life”. (NIV) This light has been with us from creation. When the earth was without form and empty, God said, “ Let there be light”. 

Today the same power is available to us. Our lives that are ‘out of shape’ and empty can be reformed in the hand of the Potter and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Ask the Lord to shine the Light introduced by Isaiah into your life and dispel the darkness. In this season ‘lights’ play a major part in our celebration. They do play a part in bringing joy to our lives. Let’s allow the Light of the World to radiate from our lives as we become LIGHT to this world.

Read: Matthew 5:14; John 1:9-14;7:5;8:12; 1 John1:5-9.

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